This is a nice surprise, after another Internet music blog described Xela as an ambient/drone group, I found on first listen that they are in fact, at least on this album, producing very innovative, understated and even "chill" IDM or Braindance, or whatever you want to call that genre of electronica that is nearly impossible to dance to. Sure I would classify it as ambient but not in a way that might induce napping and certainly not in a new-age type of way. BoC is the group that comes to mind when I listen to this though the Xela approach is not as rustic, a tad more polished, faster, quicker beats, more conducive to a gentle head bop. The kind of music that could only have come out of the U.K. The samples are not intrusive, nor are they cutting edge, I believe IDM has passed that stage of novelty, just a very organic sounding album and dare I say it again, a very "chill" sound. I'm excited to explore their other efforts.
Hey werent you in my band, Wizard Dick?