"The Wind And The Dove", that is the fourth song on this record, I have just listened to four songs of this album (which I thankfully didn't buy), and I am criminally bored with it. What happened to you Mr. Smog? Do you mind if I call you that? Mr. Callahan, you are taking yourself too seriously and this album is drowning in the adult-contemporary. The very genre that you sought to undermine in your tape-hiss riddled career. Firstly, I am disappointed in the over-production of this record, secondly I am disappointed in Mr. Callahan's career post Smog. I am now on the sixth song, it is a throwback to his better, older, Smog stuff. It carries a country swayed rhythm, though "My Bird" already seems about three minutes too long. Mr. Callahan could retire tomorrow and I would still consider him to be a great musician, but if he keeps on making sub-standard, opera inspired, over-indulgent junk like this I would hesitate to buy another one.
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